
Treatments For Leg & Facial Veins

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California Huntington Physicians

Or Call: 714-749-7007

Varicose Vein Laser Treatment by Dr. Nassir

Dr. Nassir is a Board Eligible physician who graduated from the Ross School of Medicine. He uses only the best varicose vein laser removal treatment.

What are varicose veins?

Nearly half of the population of the United States is affected by varicose veins or spider veins, so if you haven’t been stricken with them then you are definitely at least aware of them. These unattractive bluish lines snake across otherwise clean-looking skin and usually pop up on the arms or legs, causing self-conscious sufferers to cover themselves up.

Is laser leg vein removal worth it?

It is if you’re tired of hiding embarrassing leg veins with socks or makeup, and if you want a safe, non-surgical alternative to getting rid of varicose veins on your legs.

How does a laser erase varicose veins?

By customizing the frequency of the laser light our technicians are able to focus in on destroying the vein with a series of light pulses, all without damaging the surrounding skin. Following the treatment, the body reabsorbs the dead cells back into the body, diverting the blood flow to unclotted veins and replacing the dead skin with new tissue.

What is the laser vein treatment process like?

Our physician will examine the affected area with you and talk you through the entire process of removing your spider veins. The sessions are quick and relatively painless, and because Coast Skin Laser Center uses the most advanced laser system available, we can rid you of your varicose veins in the least amount of sessions possible.

Schedule FREE Consultation

California Huntington Physicians

Or Call: 714-749-7007

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